Sing, Dance, and Jam along with us! Younger children enjoy watching and imitating older ones; older children learn by leading younger ones; and adults are happy because the children in the family can go to class together. Each child participates at his or her own level in singing, moving, chanting, listening, watching, or exploring musical instruments.
Fall Session - Fiddle Song Collection: During the chant “Sounds of Fall” your child will be mesmerized as the class expresses the sound and movement of leaves falling and birds chirping and flying. In “Old King Cole” you will don the persona of the King, Queen, Prince, Princess, and Baby as you sing, drum, and fiddle together.
Winter Session - Drum Song Collection: This upcoming session, your little ones will love jumping and hiding in "John the Rabbit" and "Sneak and Peek." You will all be enchanted by the beautiful lullaby, "Arroró, mi niño" and enjoy the catchy rhythms of "Jim Jam Drummer."